Our mission is to provide free education to kids in India

No child should face barriers to education. So, Our non-profit organization strives to provide free education for under privileged children.

Ampire Educational & Welfare Foundation

Building A Culture of Support

Projects we are focusing on

Running Free Educational Programme

Ampire foundation to helping students receive a quality education regardless of socioeconomic status, race, or geographic location. The organization engages parents to actively support their children’s education. Our organization is dedicated to providing a running free education programme for children in need. We believe that every child should have access to quality education regardless of their socio-economic background. Through our programme, we provide free textbooks, school supplies, and transportation to ensure that these children can attend school regularly. Additionally, we offer tutoring sessions and scholarship opportunities to help them excel academically. We also organize workshops and seminars to enhance their skills and knowledge in various areas. Our goal is to empower these children and give them the tools they need to succeed in life. By investing in their education, we are investing in their future and breaking the cycle of poverty.

Social Awerness Programme

Our social awareness programme encompasses a wide range of initiatives, aimed at promoting awareness and understanding among individuals and communities. Through various activities and campaigns, we strive to educate and engage people on important social issues such as gender equality, environmental conservation, mental health, and child welfare. We organize workshops, seminars, and awareness drives to empower individuals with knowledge and resources to make a positive impact in their communities. Additionally, we collaborate with local organizations and experts to create a comprehensive network that supports social change. Our goal is to foster a society where everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities and actively contributes to creating a better world for future generations.

Our partners 

Your help is instrumental in providing children access to the education they deserve